World Keepers: Last Resort

预约:85 更新:2019-03-06


The most swift-sailing frigate “Sea Star” is bound for a voyage to a distant island to help my old friend Ethan who got into trouble. Which isn’t anything like him, by the way… Nonetheless, we are in for an adventure of testing and of severity, and your help would come in very handy! Join the crew, and together we will:• WORK OUR WAY THROUGH 38 LOCATIONS!Your searching skills will help us find all hiddens and solve all the puzzles!• REVEAL THE SECRET OF ANCIENT TIME KEEPERS!A powerful magic is hidden inside ordinary rag dolls, and we cannot let them fall into unworthy hands!• WITHSTAND AN EVIL AS OLD AS TIME!The powers of Time Keepers can defeat the Evil that has broken out! You’ll have to figure out how to control the powers of the Keepers!Welcome aboard!All hands, up the anchor!“Sea Star” puts to sea right now! 最快速的帆船护卫舰“海之星”必将为远航到一个遥远的岛屿,以帮助我的老朋友阮经天谁闯了祸。这是不是喜欢他什么,对了......然而,我们在测试和严重程度的冒险,和你的帮助会来非常方便!加入剧组,我们将一起:•工作我们的方式,通过38家!你的搜索技能将帮助我们找到所有hiddens和解决所有难题!•发现史前古时间守护者的秘密!强大的魔法被隐藏在普通的布娃娃,我们不能让他们落入不肖手!•抵御邪恶一样古老的时间!时间守护者的权力可以打败邪恶已经爆发了!你必须弄清楚如何控制守护者的权力!欢迎加入!所有的手,在锚!“海之星”投入大海,现在!
运营状态:预告 开发商:Alawar Entertainment, Inc.


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