Galaxy Merge - Idle & Click Tycoon

版本:1.1.0 大小:107.7M 关注:1807 更新:2019-11-10


Welcome to the exciting world of Galaxy Merge - idle combat aircraft simulator. Get ready to lead the fleet of spaceships and fight against enemies throughout the Milky Way. Combine and merge matching planes, unlock new levels and blueprints, improve weapons and technologies of your ships. Take part in galactic battles, conquer space, collect money and materials from defeated enemies, which can be spent on the development of your empire. The success of your fleet is entirely up to you. Merge and build a strong empire, explore and travel to the most distant parts of the Space, defend your colonies from alien invasions, progress as a military commander. Become a true merge tycoon and prove to everyone that galaxy is yours. Galaxy Merge is the game is in early development. Updates are coming. New upgrades, new locations and high-end models of space ships will be available in the upcoming updates. You will encounter new enemies that haven't been seen before. The most important thing is that you will be able to take part in the battle by taking control of certain spaceships. You will have to choose your assistant, who will help you in future battles. Download Galaxy Merge for FREE now! 欢迎来到令人兴奋的Galaxy Merge世界 - 闲置战斗机模拟器。 准备领导宇宙飞船舰队并与整个银河系中的敌人作战。 组合和合并匹配飞机,解锁新的水平和蓝图,改进您的船只的武器和技术。参加银河战斗,征服太空,从被击败的敌人那里收集金钱和物资,这些都可以用于发展你的帝国。 您的车队的成功完全取决于您。合并并建立一个强大的帝国,探索和旅行到太空的最遥远的部分,保护你的殖民地免受外来入侵,作为军事指挥官的进步。成为一名真正的合并大亨,并向每个人证明银河系是你的。 Galaxy Merge是该游戏的早期开发。更新即将到来。即将到来的更新中将提供新升级,新位置和高端太空船模型。你会遇到以前没见过的新敌人。 最重要的是,您将能够通过控制某些太空飞船参与战斗。你将不得不选择你的助手,他将在未来的战斗中帮助你。 立即免费下载Galaxy Merge!
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:1.1.0 更新时间:2019-11-29 大小:107.7M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Red Machine
英文 4.4及更高


Galaxy Merge - Idle & Click Tycoon累计363人浏览,欢迎在酷酷跑下载Galaxy Merge - Idle & Click Tycoon,目前已经有1807用户在酷酷跑关注了Galaxy Merge - Idle & Click Tycoon。

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