Cyber Rage: Retribution

版本:1.09 大小:99M 关注:5607 更新:2019-06-12


Cyber ​​Rage: Retribution - computer action game in the genre of cyberpunk. - Beautiful graphics - Fascinating gameplay - Style in the cyberpunk genre In the near future, humanity is faced with a serious threat. The last few years, the development of cyber-technologies has become popular among wealthy people, but another part of society is against robotization. At the junction of ideas, a split into two opposing camps takes place, and a terrible genius is in power. Steward Monster - a mechanic and creator of implants, feeling the power of their knowledge, decides to enslave the population of the planet with the help of chips, under the action of which people fall into madness and uncontrollable rage. Can you resist the total plans of the Monster, leading the detachment of brave heroes? You have a choice of three strong characters of the resistance group: Boris, Magnus and Sonya. Boris is a former kickboxer, the leader of a broken gang. Magnus is an orphan, born in Chinatown, a monk and a graduate of the martial arts school. Sonya is a former mixed martial arts athlete. Once she was in a bar and quarreled with the head of the mafia, who tore off her right hand. Soon the arm was replaced with a powerful modernized prosthesis. Your enemies are armies of soldiers of corrupt corporations and syndicates, bandits mercenaries and mutants from the laboratories of evil genius. Either alone or with a friend, go straight to the epicenter of the events of a huge metropolis to clear the streets of the future from enemy contagion! Run the game and do it! Cyber​​ Rage:Retribution - 计算机动作游戏中的cyberpunk类型。 - 漂亮的图形 - 迷人的游戏玩法 - 在cyberpunk流派中的风格 在不久的将来,人类面临着严重的威胁。最近几年,网络技术的发展在富人中越来越受欢迎,但社会的另一部分却反对机器人化。在思想的交汇处,分裂成两个对立的阵营,一个可怕的天才掌权。管家怪物 - 一个机械师和植入物的创造者,感受到他们知识的力量,决定在芯片的帮助下奴役地球上的人口,在这种行动下人们陷入疯狂和无法控制的愤怒之中。 你能否抵抗怪物的整体计划,引领勇敢英雄的超脱? 你可以选择抵抗组的三个强大角色:鲍里斯,马格努斯和索尼娅。 鲍里斯是一名前跆拳道运动员,是一个破碎的帮派的领导者。 马格努斯是一名孤儿,出生于唐人街,是一名僧人,也是武术学校的毕业生。 索尼娅是一名前混合武术运动员。有一次,她在酒吧里与黑手党的头吵架,她的右手撕裂了。不久,手臂被强大的现代化假肢所取代。 你的敌人是来自邪恶天才实验室的腐败公司和辛迪加,匪徒雇佣兵和变种人的军队。 无论是单独还是与朋友一起,直接前往一个巨大的大都市的事件的中心,以清除未来的街道从敌人的传染! 运行游戏并做到这一点!
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:1.09 更新时间:2019-06-06 大小:99M
运营状态:运营 开发商:CreativeLab Games
英文 4.1及更高


Cyber Rage: Retribution累计152人浏览,欢迎在酷酷跑下载Cyber Rage: Retribution,目前已经有5607用户在酷酷跑关注了Cyber Rage: Retribution。

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