
版本:1.1.1 大小:61M 关注:40 更新:2019-11-16


A single choice can change everything. Enter Storyscape, where world-class writers bring you tales of romance, intrigue, and adventure and every decision you make transforms your story. Discover love aboard the Titanic or confront the unknown with the X-Files. Find romance in a new city or explore a magical realm as a slave-turned-revolutionary leader. New shows and seasons drop often, so there’s always something exciting to play. CHOICES THAT MATTER Control the fate of your characters and determine their path through each episode of their ongoing adventures. Find romance, and your loved one will remain by your side. Betray the wrong person and face retaliation. It’s your story! What will you choose? IMMERSIVE TALES There’s something for everyone. Rebel against a vicious and oppressive ruling class or start a new life and meet new friends and love interests. Play the way you want and discover what happens next! UNCENSORED STORYTELLING It’s time for stories to be as real as their readers. Explore complex characters who are more than just pretty faces in dramatic, multi-layered plots and enjoy comedy that doesn’t have to be kid-friendly. ORIGINAL STORIES. FAMILIAR WORLDS Blackmailed and desperate, you’re forced to separate a loving couple at the expense of your good name while aboard the Titanic. But who knew you’d fall in love with the very person who caused you pain? THERE’S ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW Continue your story by jumping right into the next episode, or try something different. Science Fiction? Romantic Comedy? New episodes and shows are releasing all the time, so check back often. GREAT STORIES FROM GREAT WRITERS Enter worlds created by award-winning authors from movies, television, video games, comics and novels. Diverse and strong voices combine with best-in-class artwork to deliver a refreshingly unique take on storytelling. By downloading this app, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of use, available at and at We may work with mobile advertising companies and other similar entities that help deliver advertisements tailored to your interests. For more information about such advertising practices, and to opt-out in mobile apps, see You may also download the App Choices app at 单一选择可以改变一切。进入Storyscape,世界一流的作家为您带来浪漫,阴谋和冒险的故事,而您所做的每一个决定都会改变您的故事。在“泰坦尼克号”上发现爱情,或者通过X档案面对未知的事物。在一个新城市中寻找浪漫,或以奴隶般的革命领导者的身份探索神奇的境界。新节目和新季通常会减少,因此总会有一些令人兴奋的事情。 至关重要的选择 控制角色的命运,并确定他们正在进行的冒险的每一集的路径。寻找浪漫,您所爱的人会留在您身边。背叛错误的人并遭到报复。这是你的故事!您会选择什么? 沉浸式的故事 每个人都有东西。抵制恶性和压迫性统治阶级,或者开始新的生活并结识新朋友并热爱利益。随心所欲,发现接下来会发生什么! 未经审查的讲故事 是时候让故事像读者一样真实了。探索复杂的角色,这些角色在戏剧性的多层情节中不仅仅是漂亮的面孔,还可以享受喜剧片,而这种喜剧片不必对儿童友好。 原始故事。亲子世界 由于遭到勒索和绝望,您不得不在泰坦尼克号上,以牺牲自己的好名声将一对情侣分开。但是谁能知道您会爱上引起您痛苦的那个人? 总是有新事物 跳到下一集继续您的故事,或尝试其他不同的事情。科幻小说?爱情喜剧?新剧集和节目一直在发布,因此请经常回来查看。 伟大作家的精彩故事 进入由电影,电视,视频游戏,漫画和小说的获奖作者创造的世界。多样而强烈的声音与一流的艺术品相结合,为讲故事提供了令人耳目一新的独特方式。 下载此应用程序,即表示您同意我们的隐私权政策和使用条款,可从和获得 我们可能会与移动广告公司和其他类似实体合作,帮助他们交付符合您兴趣的广告。有关此类广告惯例以及要在移动应用中选择退出的更多信息,请参见。您也可以从下载App Choices应用程序
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:1.1.1 更新时间:2020-01-22 大小:61M
运营状态:运营 开发商:FoxNext Games
英文 5.0及更高






曙光防线 评分:8.0
曙光防线 活下去,末日后见!
第七幻域 评分:5.0
第七幻域 美艳与力量,神话女神降世!
炉石传说(亚服) 评分:8.7
炉石传说(亚服) 不可思议的简单,难以置信的有趣。
绝对赛车 评分:8.1
绝对赛车 秋名山车神神马的弱爆了!
使命召唤:战区 评分:8.7
使命召唤:战区 最好玩的FPS射击手游!
