Twilight Crusade : Romance Otome Game

版本:3.1.11 大小:67.5M 关注:955 更新:2022-01-06 模拟恋爱 动漫 单人 模拟人生


◆Synopsis◆ In a world where vampires and humans are at war, chaos continues to spread as the fighting only grows. You've managed to live your life away from all of this along with your friend Eli. You were out one day enjoying your day off when on the way home, you're attacked by a vampire! You prepare for the worst when suddenly, you're saved by a mysterious huunter named Baron. He manages to save you from the attacking vampire, but not without sustaining wounds himself. You take Baron back to your home to help him recover from your wounds, but you realize that there's something different about him... He has the fangs of a vampire! Without knowing it you've involved yourself in the war for survival between humans and vampires... ◆Characters◆ Baron - The Calm Hunter Despite being a vampire himself, Baron has taken the side of the humans to fight his own kind. Always calm and collected, he uses his heightened senses as well as two hand guns to fight vampires. Adopted and raised by human parents, he came to hate his fellow vampires after both his parents were murdered by one. With a heart filled by vengeance, will you be able to help him discover the joys of life? Sven - The Passionate Hunter Sven is another vampire that fights alongside humans and is a good friend of Baron's. His hand-to-hand combat skills are unmatched and he is able to take on just about any threat with nothing but his fists. He wasn't always on the side of humanity, but a tragic encounter in the past converted him to our side. Can you unlock the secrets he holds? Eli - The Energetic Hunter Your good friend and coworker, Eli is trusted by the people around him and is a strong leader. However, he holds a deep hatred for vampires because of what they took from him in the past. Despite being a human, his reflexes are fast and he can hold his own against a vampire with his trusty knife. You work closely with him in your struggle against the vampire threat, but will you ever be more than close friends? ◆简介◆ 在一个吸血鬼与人类交战的世界中,随着战斗的增加,混乱继续蔓延。您已经与朋友Eli一起摆脱了所有这些。您有一天在回家的路上被吸血鬼袭击,享受一天的假期!您会为最坏的情况做准备,突然之间,您被一个名叫男爵的神秘猎人救了下来。他设法将您从攻击性的吸血鬼中救出来,但他本人也没有承受任何创伤。 您将男爵带回自己的家中,以帮助他从伤口中恢复过来,但是您意识到他身上有些不同……他有吸血鬼的毒牙!不知不觉中,您就参与了人类与吸血鬼之间的生存之战... ◆字符◆ 男爵-冷静猎人 尽管自己是吸血鬼,但男爵还是站在人类的一边,与自己的同类作斗争。他总是保持镇定和镇定,他运用自己的感官和两只手枪来对抗吸血鬼。在人类父母的养育下,他在两个父母被一个人谋杀后恨他的吸血鬼。带着复仇的心,你能帮助他发现生活的快乐吗? Sven-热情的猎人 斯文是另一个与人类并肩作战的吸血鬼,是男爵的好朋友。他无与伦比的战斗技巧,除了拳头外几乎无所不能。他并不总是站在人类的一边,但是过去的悲惨遭遇使他回到了我们这一边。你能解开他持有的秘密吗? Eli-精力充沛的猎人 您的好朋友和同事,Eli被周围的人所信任,并且是一个强有力的领导者。但是,他对吸血鬼怀有深深的仇恨,因为他们过去曾从他那里拿走过东西。尽管是人类,但他的反应速度很快,他可以用可靠的刀抵御吸血鬼。您在与吸血鬼威胁的斗争中与他紧密合作,但是您会比亲密朋友更重要吗?
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:3.1.11 更新时间:2023-10-19 大小:67.5M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Genius Inc
模拟恋爱 动漫 单人 模拟人生 英文 5.1及更高
游单纸片人,香排名 第14名


玩了一下,感覺還不錯,比較喜歡Baron,但覺得Sven好會撩人,兩個吸血鬼獵人 還有一個朋友額Elijah
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动作 模拟 172.2M
竞速 模拟 533M


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