Demigods of Destiny:Romance Otome Game

版本:3.1.11 大小:67.6M 关注:217 更新:2022-01-06 单人


◆Synopsis◆ Your life as a college student seemed normal… But one day, you’re visited by a mysterious woman in your dreams who tells you that you have powers that could change the world. You try to brush it off as just a dream, but things get real when you’re attacked by a man that controls fire! Just when you think it’s the end of the line, you’re saved by handsome demigods! It turns out your powers are needed to stop Hades’ son from taking control of the world and before you know it, you’re on a journey to save humankind! Throughout this odyssey, you’ll discover the secrets of your powers and you may also find what it means to love a demigod… Are you ready to conquer your destiny? ◆Characters◆ Lia - The Confident Son of Zeus Lia is one of Zeus’ sons and has definitely inherited his father’s confidence! He’s the kind of guy that knows what he wants and gets what he wants. He controls the power of lightning and is second to none in a fight. It looks like he’s taken a special interest in you, but will you be able to keep up with him? Rain - The Mature Son of Poseidon Rain is a son of Poseidon and is much calmer than his good friend Lia. He’s extremely knowledgable about all things related to the gods, but can also hold his own in a fight using his control of water. He sees you more as his student at first, but will you be able to become more than that to him? Grin - The Protective Son of Gaia Grin has been your good friend since childhood and has only recently discovered that he’s a demigod. He can be a little timid, but he does everything in his power to protect you from any kind of threat. As you overcome obstacles together on your journey, you begin to feel like he’s more than just a friend. Could he feel the same way? ◆简介◆ 您作为大学生的生活似乎很正常……但是,有一天,一个梦by以求的神秘妇女探访了您,她告诉您您拥有改变世界的力量。您只是想把它当作梦而已,但是当您受到控制火力的人的攻击时,事情就会变成现实! 就在您认为这行的尽头时,您就被漂亮的半神人救了!事实证明,需要您的力量来阻止Hades的儿子控制世界,而在您不了解世界之前,您就已经在拯救人类! 在整个冒险旅程​​中,您将发现自己力量的秘密,并且可能还会发现爱半神半兽意味着什么…… 您准备好征服自己的命运了吗? ◆字符◆ 利亚-宙斯的自信儿子 利亚(Lia)是宙斯的儿子之一,绝对继承了父亲的信心!他是那种知道自己想要什么并得到自己想要的东西的人。他控制着闪电的力量,在战斗中首屈一指。看来他对您特别感兴趣,但是您能跟上他吗? 雨-波塞冬的成熟儿子 Rain是波塞冬(Poseidon)的儿子,比他的好朋友莉亚(Lia)平静得多。他对与神有关的所有事物都非常了解,但也可以利用自己对水的控制来坚持自己的战斗。起初,他将您更多地视为他的学生,但对他而言,您能否变得更多? Grin-盖亚的保护儿子 格林(Grin)从小就一直是你的好朋友,直到最近才发现他是半神半兽。他可能有些胆小,但他会尽一切努力保护您免受任何威胁。当您在旅途中共同克服障碍时,您会开始觉得他不仅仅是一个朋友。他能有同样的感觉吗?
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:3.1.11 更新时间:2023-10-17 大小:67.6M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Genius Inc
单人 英文 5.1及更高
游单纸片人,香排名 第36名


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