My Mystic Dragons:Romance you choose

版本:3.1.11 大小:67.5M 关注:207 更新:2022-01-06 单人


Your life is turned upside-down by the arrival of three hot, mysterious young Dragons! What will be your final answer to their proposals? ✢✢Synopsis✢✢ A barista and aspiring writer, you lead a simple, quiet life with your kind grandfather as your only real family. The only unusual thing about you is the strange dragon-shaped birthmark you’ve always had on your back. One night, your life is turned upside-down by the arrival of three hot, mysterious young men with special powers - and they all want your hand in marriage! It turns out that they are dragon princes and you are actually the princess of a long line of powerful dragon slayers! You’re even more shocked to discover that only by marrying you, can peace between dragons and humans be maintained. But you’re not ready to say "I do" just yet…or are you? Surrounded by these mystical strangers who don’t always understand the ways of the human world, you try your best to help, sometimes with hilarious results! But what happens when you start getting to know the dragon princes and falling for each other? Will pressures and fierce rivalries get in the way or will you have your magical love story to remember? ✢✢Characters✢✢ Phoenix "I will fight to make you mine." A fire dragon prince who loves fine jewels as much as a good brawl, Phoenix's bold, competitive nature makes him determined to win you over as his bride. But is there a softer side to the fire prince that yearns for true love? Dylan "You give me the courage to open my heart to love." Shy, sweet Prince Dylan of the water kingdom is clueless about the human world, especially love and romance! But he takes his duties as a prince seriously and wants to prove himself to you, no matter what it takes. Will you be the one who shows him how to love and be loved? Rai "I want to write my life story together with you.” You know him as a hot, popular, up-and-coming fellow writer, but in truth, Rai is secretly prince of the thunder kingdom! He acts like he doesn't care about marrying to secure peace between dragons and humans, yet, he seems to take a particular interest in you... 三只炙手可热的神秘小龙的到来,使您的生活颠倒了!您对他们的建议的最终回答是什么? ✢✢概要✢✢ 作为一名咖啡师和有抱负的作家,您与您的好爷爷(唯一的真正家庭)过着简单,安静的生活。关于您的唯一不寻常的事情是,您总是背着奇怪的龙形胎记。 一天晚上,三个有特殊才能的炙手可热的神秘年轻人的到来,使您的生活颠倒了,他们都希望您能结婚! 原来,他们是龙王子,而您实际上是一排排强大的屠龙者的公主! 令您震惊的是,只有与您结婚,才能维持龙与人之间的和平。但是您还没有准备好说“我愿意”……还是? 在这些并不总是了解人类世界方式的神秘陌生人的包围下,您会尽力提供帮助,有时会取得可喜的结果! 但是,当您开始认识龙王子并彼此堕落时会发生什么?压力和激烈的竞争会成为阻碍,还是您会记住自己神奇的爱情故事? ✢✢人物✢✢ 凤凰 “我会努力让你成为我的。” 凤凰城是一位火龙王子,他喜欢精美的珠宝,也喜欢打架,而大胆,富有竞争性的天性使他下定决心要像新娘一样赢得你。但是渴望真正爱的消防王子有没有更柔和的一面? 迪伦 “你给我勇气,让我敞开心怀去爱。” 水国的害羞,亲切的迪伦王子对人类世界一无所知,尤其是爱情和浪漫!但是他认真对待自己作为王子的职责,无论花费多少,他都想向您证明自己。你会成为向他展示如何去爱和被爱的人吗? 赖 “我想和你一起写我的生活故事。” 您知道他是一位炙手可热的,受欢迎的,有前途的同伴作家,但实际上,莱是雷电王国的秘密王子!他的举动好像他不在乎为确保龙与人之间的和平而结婚,但是,他似乎对你特别感兴趣……
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:3.1.11 更新时间:2023-10-09 大小:67.5M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Genius Inc
单人 英文 5.1及更高


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