It's a Dog's Love: Romance you Choose

版本:3.1.11 大小:67.6M 关注:236 更新:2022-01-06 模拟恋爱 动漫 单人 模拟人生


❏Synopsis❏You expect your new job at Heaven, a famous pet store in Tokyo, will be pretty straightforward -- until you discover your handsome co-workers are actually half-dogs with the ability to transform at will! Dobe, Shephe, and Bernar entrust their secret to you, and you soon find family in the pack at Heaven… but not all is peaceful. When a rival pet shop sends thugs to destroy the store, you’re forced to stand your ground and defend your new home alongside your friends. Can you save the shop and find romance along the way? Find out in It’s a Dog’s Love!❏Characters❏◇The Withdrawn Doberman - Dobe◇Aloof and alert, Dobe is the owner and leader of the pack at Heaven. Though initially cool and difficult to read, as you grow closer, you learn of a tragic event that continues to gnaw at his mind. Will you be able to resolve his past and help him trust again?◇The Cocky German Shepherd - Shephe◇Shephe may be a little boastful and self-centered, but he’s fiercely protective of his loved ones and won't go easy on anyone who attempts to harm them. Despite his impressive fighting ability, he harbors some self-doubt and wants to prove himself to you. Will he be the one that captures your heart?◇The Innocent St. Bernard - Bernar◇Bernar is the little brother of the pack at Heaven. Inquisitive and puppy-like, he adores humans and always sees the best in others — especially you! As you work together, he struggles with his newfound feelings of love. Will you show him what it means to be human?概要您希望您在东京一家著名的宠物商店Heaven的新工作会非常简单-直到您发现英俊的同事实际上是半心半意的人,具有随心所欲改变的能力!多贝(Dobe),谢菲(Shephe)和伯纳尔(Bernar)将他们的秘密托付给您,您很快就会在天堂找到家人……但是,并非所有人都和平。当竞争对手的宠物店派出暴徒摧毁商店时,您将被迫站稳脚跟并与朋友们一起捍卫新家。您可以保存商店并一路寻找浪漫吗?在《狗的爱》中找到答案!字符◇退役的杜宾犬-多比◇Dobe高超而机敏,是Heaven产品组合的所有者和负责人。尽管起初很酷并且难以阅读,但是随着距离的增长,您会发现一个悲剧性事件继续在他的脑海中绕。您能否解决他的过去并帮助他再次信任?◇科克德国牧羊犬-谢弗◇Shephe可能有点自夸和以自我为中心,但他会坚决保护自己的亲人,并且不会轻易伤害任何试图伤害他们的人。尽管他具有出色的战斗能力,但他还是有一些自我怀疑的地方,并想向您证明自己。他会成为吸引您的心的人吗?◇无辜的圣伯纳德-伯纳尔◇伯纳尔(Bernar)是天堂天堂里的小兄弟。他喜欢小狗,喜欢好奇,喜欢小狗,总是看到别人最好的东西,尤其是你!当您一起工作时,他为自己新发现的爱情而挣扎。你能告诉他做人的意思吗?
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:3.1.11 更新时间:2023-10-09 大小:67.6M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Genius Inc
模拟恋爱 动漫 单人 模拟人生 英文 5.1及更高
游单纸片人,香排名 第22名


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