Be My Match: Otome Romance Game

版本:3.1.11 大小:67.4M 关注:159 更新:2022-01-06 模拟恋爱 动漫 单人 模拟人生


■Synopsis■You're a successful businesswoman, confident in many areas of your life. But when it comes to dating, love is a battlefield... Or so you thought. What happens when you instantly match on a mysterious new dating app with three insatiable CEO bachelors? Swipe right to find out in Be My Match!• ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • ◦ • Three of the world’s most handsome, eligible bachelors — a tech guru, hotel heir, and CEO — slide into your DMs, after you save a mystical genie in distress. Who says good deeds go unrewarded? Can you navigate the digital dating world or are you forever bound to falter? Get ready to swipe right for an ultra-modern romance with a side of magic!◙Characters◙ ✮Arthur - The Tech Wunderkind✮The brilliant startup maverick. Arthur's heart has been frozen by sorrow and disloyalty. But when he realizes you're not like the other girls, you flip his universe upside down. Is it just another casual encounter or an escape from the world of corporate espionage that he truly needs?✮Ryan - The Hotel Scion✮The dapper hotel heir. Ryan is immediately enchanted by your wit and poise. So much so, that he finds himself fleeing the scene to cool down. This vintage man out of time lives to spoil you with precious gifts and extravagant dates. But can you help guide him towards his own happiness?✮Sam - The Legendary Playboy✮The playboy, CEO of S-CORP. Sam welcomes you into his fast-paced world of celebrity parties, high-class restaurants, and box seats. He’s always up for a good time, but never hesitates to help out in your time of need — if it benefits him. When he hires you for a special project, is it for just work, or is he looking for something else...■简介■您是一位成功的女商人,对生活的许多方面充满信心。但是当谈到约会时,爱情是一个战场……或者,你以为。当您立即与拥有三个永不满足的CEO学士的神秘新约会应用程序进行比赛时,会发生什么?向右滑动即可在“我的比赛”中找到答案!•••◦•••◦•••◦•••◦•◦••••在您拯救了一位神秘的精灵之后,世界上最英俊,最合资格的三名学士,一名技术大师,酒店继承人和首席执行官都滑入了自己的DM。谁说善行得不到回报?您可以导航数字约会世界,还是永远陷入困境?准备好一边滑动一边享受超现代的浪漫吧!◙人物◙✮亚瑟-科技神童✮出色的创业特立独行者。亚瑟的心因悲伤和不忠而被冻结。但是,当他意识到你不喜欢其他女孩时,你会颠倒他的宇宙。他真正需要的只是一次偶然的相遇还是从企业间谍活动的世界中逃脱?yan瑞安-子孙酒店✮精致的酒店继承人。瑞恩立即被您的机智和平衡所吸引。如此之多,以至于他发现自己逃离现场变得冷静。这个过时的古董人会用珍贵的礼物和奢华的日期来宠坏您。但是你能帮助他走向自己的幸福吗?✮山姆-传奇花花公子✮花花公子,S-CORP首席执行官。山姆欢迎您进入他的名人派对,高级餐厅和包厢座位的快节奏世界。他总是乐于助人,但是如果有需要,他会毫不犹豫地提供帮助。当他雇用您从事特殊项目时,是为了工作,还是在寻找其他东西?
包来源:谷歌市场 版本:3.1.11 更新时间:2023-10-19 大小:67.4M
运营状态:运营 开发商:Genius Inc
模拟恋爱 动漫 单人 模拟人生 英文 5.1及更高
游单纸片人,香排名 第26名


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